A deeper look into Gladius

A deeper look into Gladius

We wrote a previous article, with the latest updates to Gladius, (Previous article, here)

The 1.0.9 update featured:

  • The ability to read whether or not Vectric or Fusion360 had a post processor installed, and if it was the most modern version.

Gladius 1.0.10 has had a few more tweaks:

  • HSMWorks Post Processor Support
  • Tool Library Function
  • Pockets for ATC (if you have an ATC Machine)


Swordfish Controllers support up to 60 individual Work Coordinate Systems simultaneously.

Some of these are already assigned to tasks, but the remainder are available:

  • G59.9  Tool Setter Z Probe location
  • G59.8  Manual Tool change position

When modifying G59.9 or G59.8 work coordinate, don't forget to return to your original WCS number or you will have a headache!


The tool library allows for pre-programming of individual tool numbers.  Not so important on the manual tool changer, however it is a requirement to be filled out on the ATC machines.



By creating a tool, you can fill out a few parts:

Index - The tool number

Description - Pretty self explanatory

Pocket - If the tool is currently installed in the spindle or not, or in the case of an ATC machine, which pocket that tool and chuck holder is currently sitting in.

Needs probe - Whether or not you need to probe the Tools' Z height.  This needs to be on for a base machine, and only needs to be toggled on an ATC when installing a new tool.  It will automatically toggle itself off once set

Diameter - The diameter of the tool

Offsets - this is mainly for any aggregate heads or lasers that are offset to the central axis of the spindle.



The pockets window is explicitly used with the ATC for setting the location of any tool clips.  It will also show if it is empty, or what tool is in that pocket.  The spindle is also a pocket by definition, so it will also tell you what tool is (or should be) installed.



The posts window shows you any CAD software installed.  At the moment this is limited to Fusion360, Vectric and HSMWorks however we are constantly improving and this might have added functionality in future updates!